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0.03mmT铜箔胶带 导电屏蔽铜箔纸
  • 分类:铜箔胶带
    更新:2022-8-8 16:42:25
  • 咨询热线: 0769-82868881
  • 产品详情

产品用途(Product use :

广泛于笔记本电脑、手机、变压器、PDAPDPLCD显示器等 各种产品内需要电磁屏蔽的地方。cloth, copper and aluminum foil anIt is widely used in laptop, mobile phone, transformer, PDA, PDP, LCD display and other products where electromagnetic shielding is needed. cld laminating release paper

产品描述(The product description :

具有消除电磁(EMI)干扰,隔离电磁波对人体的伤害。避免不需要电压与电流而影响功能,另外,对接地后之静电泄放有良好的效果。粘贴力强,导电性能良好。It can eliminate electromagnetic (EMI) interference and isolate the harm of electromagnetic wave to human body. In addition, the electrostatic discharge after docking has a good effect. Strong adhesion, good electrical conductivity.